Here is the front SFG beds. Notice how well my bareroot strawberries are doing? /end sarcasm.

I remember being little and peas climbing up the corn. I don't know if Mom planted peas late or what, but I have plants wanting to climb and the corn is nowhere near big enough for them to be climbing up. This was one of the solutions. Yes I realize the peas are already at the top, I'm hoping they can climb horizontal.

The kids sunflower plants for the fair. Notice all the weeds popping up now too? The kids are thrilled. I initially told them it was their plants, their job, I would help them find information but I was not going to do the work for them. I keep sneaking out to pull a few weeds for them as thick as they are right now.
Something out there got hungry and decided to munch on some sunflower leaves too. I bought a new spray bottle, so we can go spray them with onion/garlic/cayenne spray tomorrow.

This is what happens when you leave instructions that say "please water all of the baby plants in the backyard" No one was aware of the broccoli I planted, how I don't know it's in a visible spot with the ground obviously overturned. I got some water on them, I haven't been back out to see how they responded yet, I'll edit an 'after fluids' picture in tomorrow.

Flowers haven't changed much, wind did a number on my little lily that was blooming, columbine is still just budding, and hollyhock is just hanging out too.
Pictures added 06/10/07
Rehydrated broccoli

Found part of what has been dining on my garden (in the cabbages and broccoli)

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