Friday, June 8, 2007

Even more bleah

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Some background for those not familiar with EMS life. It's unpredictable at best. Our agency runs 3 crews, the first is staged at the building in case of an emergency, the second handles none critical transports between facilities and comes in to be staged when the first crew is out, the third crew is critical care transports and rarely handles calls just in the community.

I am a 3rd crew white cloud. I have not had a 3rd crew call in literally months.

Until today. We get paged out while we are still in crew meeting to take a transport south. After that I clock out for an entire 15 minutes to find out that I'm taking another transport north. Most of the way across the state north.

I didn't get home until after 10 pm (yes, that's one very long day) So, the point of that long story is I don't have garden pictures for you today (I know, you were all so hopeful) but I should be able to post some tomorrow but I'm working again so I'm not making any promises.

Now, about the picture. This is how The Investigator spends a lot of her time. The more she's allowed to hang around upside down the better she does with the vestibular part of her sensory problems.