I originally went outside to use the shade of the house and the snow get a blow out background high key look, but then I got his typical smile and decided I'd let him be him.
SS: 1/800, Ap: f2.0, ISO:200, Custom WB, Shot aperture priority overexposing 1 stop

SS: 1/1000, Ap: f2.0, ISO:200, Custom WB, Shot aperture priority overexposing 1 stop

Very nice. Great DOF in the in the 3rd and 4th.
Wow, your pictures are fantastic! I'm so impressed with the snow pictures, they look perfect to me.
I have to comment on your header. It's SO cute! I really love the pictures, layout and font.
Great captures! I like the 2 one best :).
I like that you titled this perspective because I really love the perspective of the first shot!! I agree that your header is really cute!
Really like the first one with the blue jacket and the white snow.
Great captures! Love #2!!
Your conversions are great.
Hey, it's starting to snow here finally!! Great pictures!
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