It sounds simple enough, a picture a day for a year. I know the challenge for me is going to come when school pressure starts building. May 365 will help me keep some balance in my life.
I realize the obvious is that it isn't the first of the year anymore and I'm already starting out behind but I don't care. I'm starting today and moving forward.
This is Rusty, the about 2 year old Cocker who we got for the kids for Christmas. Yup, the kids. Not for me, at all. He's completely loveable and adorable if he'd just learn not to run away.
Wow, what a stunning picture of your doggy. The focus is perfect. Great job on exposure, and in the snow! Awesome.
Nice capture! The exposure is great for being in the snow.
omgg that is so cute :)
So cute. My friend had a cocker named Rusty too.
I LOVE cocker spaniels! They are my favorite dog! I had the cutest, curliest little cocker that had green eyes and a little brown nose. He was so cute... unfortunately he was hit by a car in front of my house... I want another one so bad!
Love the big floppy ears and the snow, Rusty is so cute!
Beautiful capture. He looks like he's in deep thought. :)
so sharp. :)
Great picture of your dog. It is really hard to nail exposure in the snow and you did it. Great job.
That is SO CUTE! Great exposure!
Aw! I love you poochie! I love how his hair it just a blowin' in the wind!
Great job Heather!
I have a cocker spaniel too, but I have never been able to capture a photo like this of her. This is just wonderful. I like the side profile of Rusty!!
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