It's a lot colder now than it normally is when it snows and all of the flakes that were coming down still looked like snowflakes. My neighbor knocked on my door early asking how to get pictures (I'd already taken what I'd planned on for today) so I grabbed my shoes, camera and headed over.

13 comments: close was that macro? Cool shot (no pun intended).
Is that cool or what? These are really nice.
that's awesome that you can actually see the snow flakes!
You mean snow flakes really look the snow!
Maggie, it wasn't a macro lens (film camera batteries are dead and that is the only macro lens I have)
This was with my 18-55mm kit lens as close as I could get without loosing focus.
Thanks for the comments guys.
The big one in the first pic is awesome! Would make a great ps brush if you could see the whole thing
So Cool!
That's amazing! Every snowflake really is a different shape. Love them!
P.S. I hope this doesn't post a zillion times!'s amazing what nature can create! :)
how freaking cool!
Very neat!!!
Holy cow... I don't think I've ever seen a real live snowflake in such detail!
wow,wow,wow! I have never seen an actual snow flake that looked like that! Amazing!!!
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