Monday, July 9, 2007

Tired of fake smiles?

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Ok, so this technique wouldn't work for clients or even all kids, but with mine all it takes is saying "don't smile like you are trying to poop" and you get lots of big belly laughs and very wide smiles (I wish the gum wasn't there too)

SS 1/1600, f1.8 (I just grabbed the camera, I wish it had been a stop narrower), ISO 200, 50mm lens


Amy (3 Peas) said...

LOL anything with the word poop in it makes my kids laugh :) I'll have to remember that line :)

Anonymous said...

I totally disagree - I think the gum MAKES the picture.

You said later that judges look for something special or unique? Well in this picture that is exactly what you got.

Danielle (Love_Monkey)