Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Learning to swim

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
The Investigator (and The Scientist) have had horrible excema and every time I've tried to go swimming they've instantly developed bleeding rashes so we've stayed away. Last year they went half a dozen times, not knowing how to swim.

The Investigator's friend has been teaching her, but with her nose plugged (yes, I know) When my friend comes back home this fall I'm going to put her private swim lessons so I've been trying to teach her to blow bubbles. I don't feel qualified to teach her much else, but I don't want her plugging her nose either.

So, here she is swimming the length of the 5 foot pool without plugging her nose.

Yes, there will be many more pictures this fall :-)

SS 1/4000, f1.8, ISO 200, 50 mm lens

1 comment:

Corey~living and loving said...

oooooooooo how did I miss this one! What a fun picture! I love it!