Sunday, July 29, 2007

PSA and update on Ernie

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
CDC guidelines say that if you were sleeping in a room with a bat that was out of the area it's normal for them to be it counts as a possible exposure.

Yup, we've had The Scientist going out to the ER for the series of rabies shots. The bat has been sent off and we hear back on Wednesday (when his next shot is due BTW)

This PSA is a couple of days old, but I've been busy with flower pictures for the calendar.


Corey~living and loving said...

oddly enough I just read an article on Rabies that scared the "you know what" out of me. It also said that kids often don't even know if they have been bitten by a bat. eeekkkk
Anyhow, I am glad you are taking the precautions.

Heather said...

I showed someone the picture of Ernie and that asked if I knew the recommendations.

I said, but he wasn't bit, he'd have complained of something right?
