The peas that sprouted. These were the only ones to come up, so I've got some from another package soaking to be planted tomorrow. Nothing else in this bed is planted yet so I don't have a picture of it.

This bed has carrots and onions (it's the 12" deep bed) as well as lettuce, spinach, and strawberries. Tomatoes will be planted in here too. DH bought some onion plants instead of sets and they didn't transplant real well so if they don't perk up by next week I'll pull them and plant sets. Nothing has sprouted yet, but this bed will be full as soon as the tomatoes get planted.

Cabbage, broccoli, and rosemary (smells heavenly) are planted, thyme, sage, and cilantro will be planted in the empty diagnal spots.

Peppers, we have bells and jalapeno planted, the empty spots are for habenero. I don't understand the pepper box, DH can't eat them anymore and I don't like any other than bells but he enjoys growing them so we do. It is early in the year for peppers, so these have since been covered with milk jugs. I hope to plant the tomatoes next week and keep them covered as well.

This will be the strawberry fountain. It has 3 tiers and gets watered via the fountain (see in the middle, it's poking up a little) Right now it's nothing spectacular but I have high hopes for it.

I have some flowers that I found on clearance (yeah!) that I have pictures of but I'll post them tomorrow. Friday is the last day of school, so I'll be able to take more pictures (yeah) and work in other areas of the yard (yeah)
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