In life, and specifically nursing school there are things in your life that you really don't want around. They are prickley, itchy, make you grumpy, suck all of your time so that you can't be growing, er...doing, all that you really want to.
Whether that weed is a big project that you are just dreading because really it isn't anything but busy work or a negative situation at school or home the weed needs to go before grows. Projects get bigger when you are doing them the night before and the article you needed for it has to be ordered through the interlibrary loan so you don't have the information required. Big weed. Sometimes you have a problem with an instructor that you keep ignoring and hoping it goes away but it never does. When you try to address the issue later it has been blown out of proportion or is no longer rectifable (yes, I just made that word up)

Dealing with your weeds before they grow and overwhelm your life is key.
Nice post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
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