Saturday, May 17, 2008

So, I've fallen for wordpress

My playing around with it lead to me falling head over heels for wordpress. So, if you got here via bookmark, you can change it to

I hope to see you all over there.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Still playing with dandelions and the magic of childhood wishes. It is very important that they be just the exact right wish.


As an aside, I imported all of my posts from blogger and some of them got messed up. I'm not going to worry about fixing them right now and I am going to try to export the ones from my Wordpress blog onto blogger. I will try to keep everyone both places updated while I decide what I should do. Any feedback would be appreciated as well.

What kind of plant was your day like?

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography

Friday, April 25, 2008



I wish...

I wish...
Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
It were May 3rd already ;) I also strongly suggest that you click on this one so that you can view it large, it loses a lot being shrunk down to blog size.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's grilling time

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I love the days of not having to mess up the kitchen to cook dinner.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Nursing School survival tip #2 -- what not to do

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Cute, fluffy, and fuzzy animals need to be walked right on past on days you are feeling your internal strength is down. Unless you are planning on turning your home into a small scale zoo.

I did not act on that piece of advice.

Where I apply for a small scale zoo license?

Countdown begins

Countdown begins
and so it starts. I do feel I can officially say that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train headed my way and I believe I can see others on the outside playing the grass and laying in the sun.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

the one left behind


I don't have a lot of stuff left to do before graduation, but I am finding myself doing everything possible to not do it. After all one of the rescue bulbs that got left behind was blooming and had to be shot. Right?

The ones that were rescued aren't going to bloom this year so I had to capture the one left behind. Portfolio due on Monday? Pshaw.

Tulips blooming? Highly important.

14 days exactly until I graduate. 2 weeks. 1/2 a month. 1/104 of a year. So why can't I sit down and finish my stuff so I can enjoy this time?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Open to the world

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
These tulips open up wide almost immediately, without keeping a tight blossom that is typical of tulips.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The business side of blogging.

I'm playing around with things. Trying to decide if I like the pictures bigger in the middle of the blog or small and linked back to flickr (the bigger pictures are also clickable to take you back to my photostream) The bigger pictures don't work with the format but I can play with that (I think, I hope)

Nursing School survival tip #1-- Weeds grow fast

Same plant, just 7 days inbetween them and different angle.

The weeds just grow

In life, and specifically nursing school there are things in your life that you really don't want around. They are prickley, itchy, make you grumpy, suck all of your time so that you can't be growing, er...doing, all that you really want to.

Whether that weed is a big project that you are just dreading because really it isn't anything but busy work or a negative situation at school or home the weed needs to go before grows. Projects get bigger when you are doing them the night before and the article you needed for it has to be ordered through the interlibrary loan so you don't have the information required. Big weed. Sometimes you have a problem with an instructor that you keep ignoring and hoping it goes away but it never does. When you try to address the issue later it has been blown out of proportion or is no longer rectifable (yes, I just made that word up)

and grow

Dealing with your weeds before they grow and overwhelm your life is key.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

From apricots to crabapples

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I think my favorite part of mid-spring is the flowering trees. Our crabapple tree is absolutely beautiful in the springtime, I will miss it (it's one of the trees we are taking down and replacing with something else, probably a cherry tree)

Monday, April 14, 2008


Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Want to guess who finished with clinicals yesterday?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ready to pop

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Yup, more of the apricot tree. I've been trying to cross things of off my Great Big Giant To Do List™ and my blog is feeling neglected because of it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I love apricots from the time they bud until we are eating them later in the year.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Go ahead Spring, take your time

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
This morning as I lay in bed moaning and complaining that my alarm was going off (again!) I realized that my mornings are very much like spring. I don't get up and jump out of bed and am good for the day, my alarm goes off and flop over to turn it off, I might even get up to the bathroom and come back to bed making my family mistakenly think I was up and good for the day.

Similarly Spring starts and stops in spurts and sometimes we think for sure she has finally come to stay and she crawls back underneath the duvet of snow for another 9 minutes of rest before the day begins.

I enjoy the time between my alarm going off and me being up and functional to go nice, slow, and calmly so I'll stop rushing Spring. Go ahead and take your time, just know that my cabbage seeds have sprouted.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
It's a beautiful time of year, my nose just happens to disagree with my eye sees. I like the texture in the buds and the branch crossing through the image.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Looking for Breakfast

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography


Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
The amazing thing about poppies to me is their texture so I converted this image to black and white to emphasis the delicate texture of the petals.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sleep, rest, repose

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Depending on the source, poppies can have various symbolism. Modern symbolism of the red poppies goes to Flanders Field during World War I. Anciently Egyptians used poppies extensively during death rituals symbolizing eternal life. The symbolism I prefer is of sleep, rest, and repose.

I could use a little of that myself currently. Instead of knowing that I am going to be able to get my rest, I'm instead planting some poppies out back.

As another poppy tidbit, they are the state flower of California.

Friday, April 4, 2008

*Not my work*

frozen delight
Originally uploaded by Dixie Native
I had a mystery person add me to their flickr contacts. I always do a little investigating to see what style they like, who their other contacts are, etc. I rarely post in any groups so I often wonder how people find me.

This photo belongs to a very talented photographer who is also a contact of the mystery person. Please, don't just look at this image go and look through their entire photostream, it is absolutely stunning work.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Welcoming Spring

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I feel like a little kid at Christmas, the closer spring gets the slower the days are going until I'm not hunting out the splashes of color here and there.

These daffodils make me smile inside.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring fever continues

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I am *so* ready for warm weather! This is my new easter lily that I planted today. I planted it from a forced bulb so we'll see what happens. For now she's beautiful.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Soaking up the sun

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Squash, watermelon, pumpkins, and some mint that I started yesterday in peat pots.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Lub Swoosh Dub

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Is the sound of The Baby's heart and is what is sending us to Primary Children's Medical Center tomorrow for a cardiac echo.

Please excuse the dirty face, we working in the yard.

The Color Purple

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I think I've decided that the reason purple is one of my favorite colors is that is such an alive color of spring. This is the same hyacinth that a few days ago looked scraggly.

Goodbye Mr. Winter.

Anybody home?

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
This nest is in a tree that I want to cut down, barring any residents growing in there. I guess we'll have to borrow a ladder tall enough to peek inside and if I get bombarded by an angry Momma bird I'll have my answer too.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Shakiest Lens in the West

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I knew my asthma had impacted my ability to train for the triathlon next month, but I never thought about it affecting my photography. After using my inhaler today I could have won a shakiest lens contest hands down.

Spring is on it's way one no matter what though.

Snubbed by Mr. Redbreast

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
He was looking at me up until the time I pulled the camera up. I've had kids that didn't want to look into the camera but this is the first time I've been snubbed by a bird.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring color

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
and it's not green!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Too cool...

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I attempted to blog this yesterday without much luck. She's growing up to the point that it's no longer cool to have your picture taken at a park.

Happy Birthday to me

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Mitzi saying hi to my new birthday present, Mary Sue Cotton.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mission 1: Completed

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I have a few of the bulbs in my yard now, in the ground. I need to get some compost, but on the advice of a friend for now I may just cover them up with pine needles and bark.

I also nabbed some *something* that I think might be grape hyacinth. I was hoping it was crocus but the more I look the more I doubt it.

Operation Save the Bulbs

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
FYI, there are more pictures on my flickr stream of some of the bulbs in question that are better from a photography POV, but this one speaks to the source of the problem.

A little history, I have an emotional tie to my garden and flower beds. I'm sad in the fall after I've harvested everything and things are no longer blooming. I spend a lot of time working in the garden nurturing it and contemplating life. Seeing it die in the fall is a sad time for me.

These bulbs have been cared for lovingly for decades, until the past couple of years. I took this picture today and it's now my mission to save the bulbs. I'll keep you updated on how Operation Save the Bulbs goes.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Why yes, it is. This is what I found when I pulled all of the pine needles out of the flower beds today. I'm anxious to get planting and I hope that we have more nice days coming up so I can get things looking nice and fresh in the front yard and ready for plants.

Real Smiles?

contrast layer
Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
It's amazing the smiles I get when I haven't been pestering them for pictures in a while. It may just be time for a more formal session.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring is just around the corner

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
This is usually the first sign of spring in Utah, what is it in your area?

Clock tower

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
It's not finished yet, but it is finally looking presentable instead of making everyone wonder why they were building it. I think I'm going to like it, and I wonder if I'll be able to hear it from the house or not.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The definition of anti-climatic

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Guess what came in the mail today? Yup, my new baby.

She's wonderful and beautiful and fits my hand like a glove (only better because I have a hard time finding gloves to fit) Unfortunately she needs a CF card. I knew this, I just have not had an opportunity to pick one up yet and she refuses to be satisfied by my SD cards.


So, there she sits just as wonderful as can be in her picture virginity.

I might not even be able to go shooting tomorrow because it's the last day of the conference and I don't know what time I'll be done.

Is patience still a virtue?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Just for me. Just because.

Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
I'm planning for a bit of phototherapy coming up because I feel myself getting sucked into the unbalanced side of life again.

So, this is just for me. Just because.

Since it's been a while since I've just rambled and I'm getting some new hits thanks to A Big Corporate Messageboard I thought I'd mention that I love comments, of any variety, so if you have something to say just say it.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Originally uploaded by HDC Photography
Stopped along the roadside today for a few minutes.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ski time

Up the mountain at the ski resort...

Christmas Moon

Yup, I'm just that far behind.

Yes, I'm still here

It's been such a long time since I've posted I'm ashamed of myself. I have not been shooting as much, but I've definitely gotten some stuff since November! Yikes.

School is almost done (73 more days) and my preceptorshift is complete so all I have left is 6 high acuity clinicals, a bazillion assignments, and walking.