Spring in Utah starts in February when the Cedar trees release their evil pollen into the air making breathing difficult and everything yellow.
By March we typically have no snow, fruit trees bloom, daffodils, tulips, crocuses and hyacinth (sp?) bloom. Then around conference weekend it snows and covers everything up. It doesn't last, makes a lot of mud, and everyone cranky for a few days.
In April the wind blows. A lot. (not that where I am it is ever not blowing) Mid-April it snows again.
May it's warm and sunny and veggie gardens start to come up. Mid-May it snows.
June it is almost always shorts weather, and hot days aren't uncommon. Flowers and gardens are beautiful, grass is green (except for my yard). Mid-June it may snow.
July it's hot as hell and with water restrictions people sacrifice their lawns for their gardens. Mid-July it may snow.
(I realize now that these posted backwards, again. I'm no good at double posting on the same day. This picture was taken this morning, and by afternoon it had warmed up enough we were making more dirt. Gotta love Utah weather.)