This post has special meaning, and is less about the image and more about the subject. A friend of a friend's son (he is 22) is facing yet another surgery because of neurofibromatosis. This time it's scary for him and hoping for the best is hard to do when they can't even define the worst. We've started an email campaign for him and we're hoping to get him flooded with emails wishing him well.
If you would like to help, his email is I know there are a lot of these blogs and it takes a lot of time to go through so if comes down to sending him a quick email and leaving a comment please take the time to email Bryan
Off to send an email...
I'll send one too!
Love the DOF in your photo! Cool shot!
This picture makes such a statement. Great job. The exposure looks perfect too!
An update:
bryan has developed pneumonia and is having a very dificult time with it as they of course still have the chest tube in and he is having trouble coughing and such to remove the crud as it is terribly painful. up dates when I have them
Will certainly send him an email. Thoughts and prayers with him.
Regardless of it's reason, the photo is v. nice. And really like your logo! Reminds me of wax stamping.
Oh please ! We'll pray.
Our thoughts and prayers are with him.
Already sent an email. But I'll do another one!
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